About St John's

St John's is a warm and welcoming Church of England Parish Church, on Hills Road to the south of Cambridge city centre, in Ely Diocese.


If you visit us, you find a congregation of people serving God in our lives and our worship, and a community that makes everyone feel at home. We are a church with a real parish feel whose members are drawn from all age ranges and a variety of traditions. This of us who worship at St John's greatly appreciate this rich diversity. Our range of activities also reflect this and they range from Toddle Along, St John's Choir, Children's Church, our Community Lunches and our Home groups.


Our church has strong community links and we serve a diverse residential area, with a range of businesses, schools, colleges and links with the University and Addenbrooke's Hospital.


Our Church is over 100 years old and is the daughter Church of St Andrew's Cherry Hinton, with whom we retain close links. We also work closely with St James', on Wulfstan Way.

To find out more about our faith, worship and prayer at St John's, go to our Church and Worship Section.

To find out more about the people of the parish, including our Ministry Team and PCC, go to the People Section.

To find out more about the range of groups and activities at St John's, go to the Activities Section.


To get in touch with us, please go to the Contact Us page.