
St John's is a vibrant and active church, and there are number of different activities running throughout the week, some regular and some for fixed periods of time.


As well as regular services, our main regular weekly activities include:



7.15–8.45 pm    Youth group (bi-weekly)




9.30 - 10.30 am Toddle Along




10.30 –11.30 am Bible Study




6.30–7.30 pm     Choir practice (trebles)

7.00–8.00 pm     Choir practice (adults)



1.30-2.30pm       Parents Group




In addition, there are a number of monthly or irregular activities, including Men's Group, Women's Breakfast, Messy Church, Monthly Community Lunches, Healing Prayer Group, and the Traidcraft stall.


There are also a range of Home Groups, which run on a weekly or bi-weekly basis and details for which are available in Church.