Lenten Giving - Lent 2022

If you would like to make a charitable donation during this time of Lent you might like to consider the two charities we at St John’s are supporting during Lent.  Traditionally we choose a local and an international charity which this year will be Emmaus Cambridge and The Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust.

Emmaus will be a familiar name to many but do we know just what they do and how they do it?  To answer this and many other questions Jamie Irons from Emmaus Cambridge, situated at Landbeach, will speak at St John’s during the morning service on Sunday 27 February.  He will join us for coffee after the service to chat and answer further questions.  Supporting Emmaus underpins what many from St John’s do to help homeless people particularly during the winter months.


The Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust is named after the writer Gerald Durrell, who is also known for founding Jersey Zoo.  The Trust exists to save species from extinction and the overarching role of the animal collection in Jersey and overseas is conservation.  In the field, staff operate 50 projects in 18 countries around the world with work focussing on islands, where unique species are under pressure, and on animal groups suffering the worst declines, such as primates and amphibians.  A diverse range of courses and workshops teaching conservation skills have been attended by over 4,000 individuals from 137 countries.  Supporting this Trust underpins our focus on being an Eco-church, caring for God’s world in our worship. 


During Lent, leaflets about the two charities, together with donation and gift aid envelopes, will be available to take from the display in our church lobby.