Supporting St John's

With Prayer

There are so many aspects of our ministry at St John's that need your support with prayer. We aim to offer guidance on our priorities for prayer not only at our regular services but also prayer and bible study meetings. In addition we will try to provide up to date guidance on our web site in the Prayer section on our Home page.

With Time

There are so many people at St John's who give generously of their time but it is never enough. From those who organise our services, meet visitors at the door, serve coffee, clean, garden ... the list is endless. However much time you can donate there will be a valuable role for you. If you are interested in doing more, please speak with a member of the clergy, a church warden or any member of the PCC.

With Money

Our church costs money to run - more than £100,000 each year. The administrative support we get from the diocese each year we have to pay for. Most of our income comes from the weekly and monthly donations of the members of the congregation. These regular donations are invaluable; they enable us to plan ahead and make financial commitments. On most of these donations we can also recover tax through the Gift Aid scheme. If you would like to give either regularly, or occasionally, or by a legacy, please speak in confidence with our treasurer, Roger, who will give you further information on how to give and how we use your donations.


For more information on giving and money please click here.