Running a busy church like St John’s requires a significant annual income. At the moment about 50% of our income is used to support central Church of England costs; 40% is spent on maintaining the church and running its many activities and 10% is given to charities, both abroad and at home.


The reserves that we have are to be used for essential projects such as resealing the church floor, renewing the seating and maintenance of the organ. However there are other large expenses that will arise over the next few years including renewal of the lighting and repairs to the roof. Many of our expenses are fixed; were we as a church to be able to increase our income from voluntary giving this would be money that would be available for these projects.


Increasing our surplus income will also enable us to meet more of our mission goals. Our congregation has always been generous towards appeals from many local and overseas organisations. We support education projects in Kenya, Uganda and India, work with the disabled in Burundi and a host of others. Much more could be done and support given on a long term basis, were the income from voluntary donations to be assured.


If you wish to know more about our church finances and how your money will be spent, please talk with our treasurer.




1. The preferred way of making a financial donation is now through the national Parish Giving Scheme. This has many advantages including the much faster recovery of Gift Aid. Application packs for this can be found at the back of church, otherwise, please contact the treasurer.


2. You can set up a standing order payable to:


PCC St John the Evangelist No 2 Account

Barclays Bank, Clifton Court, Cherry Hinton Road, Cambridge

Sort Code: 20-17-19 Acc. 23848043


You need to instruct the bank yourself, either in writing or electronically. Most church members pay monthly but this is at your discretion. 


3. Once a year in the autumn, we have a Gift Day. This is traditionally when church members can make a specific donation to the work of the church. An invitation to do this is sent out in the autumn.


4. Visitors to the church can make occasional donations by using the pew envelopes in church. These, when filled in, enable the church to recover tax through the Gift Aid scheme.


5. We also ask members of the congregation to think about making a legacy to St John's in their wills. We have produced a booklet about making a legacy which can be found at the back of church, or please speak to our treasurer.



However you decide to give to St John’s, please fill in a Gift Aid declaration if you are a UK tax payer. This enables us to increase your gift by at least 20p for every £1 at no cost to yourself. Completed Gift Aid declarations should be returned to the treasurer or the Gift Aid officer.

Form for instructing bank to make a standing order in favout of St John the Evangelist
Standing Order Instruction.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 57.1 KB
Form to allow church to claim back Gift Aid on donations
Gift Aid Declaration.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 18.9 KB