

The pulpit was given to the church by the first vicar, the Rev John George, to mark the 25th anniversary of his marriage to Edith. It is of stone construction, of hexagonal shape, and with decoration that reflects well the design of the church in the Gothic Decorated style.


The large east and west windows have stone tracery reflecting the Gothic Decorated style. The west window is mostly of plain glass, but by contrast the east window is highly decorated in stained glass. Its main feature is a reproduction of Leonardo da Vinci's painting of The Last Supper. The lower third section of the east window features images of four prophets (left to right: Isaiah, Jeremiah, Zechariah and Daniel), with an image of the Lamb of God in the centre. The upper section of the east window contains images of angels within the flowing tracery. Stained glass lancet windows are to be found in the chancel walls on both sides of the altar and in the memorial chapel. There are two stained glass windows in the south-east corder of the nave.

Eagle lectern

The lectern is in the form of an eagle, reflecting the traditional symbol of St John, and is carved in wood. It was a gift to the church from John Horobin (then Principal of Homerton College) in 1986.


Both the interior and exterior of the church building are decorated with stone work, and following the Gothic traditions these are in the form of foliage carvings, faces and symbolic carvings.


The space between the south side of the church, the entrance foyer and the community rooms forms a delightful courtyard.

Memorial plaques

The church contains a small number of memorial brass plaques, mostly commemorating early pioneers of the church. These include:

  1. Rev John George, the first vicar of St John the Evangelish;
  2. Isaac Elworthy, the first churchwarden of the parish and secretary of the original building fund committe
  3. John Jenkin, churchwarden prior to the building of the first part of the church, and member of the extension committee
  4. Rev Drew (of St John's College Cambridge and minister of churches in Lambeth and Avington), who was father of Edith George, wife of the first vicar of St John the Evangelist church.