
An important part of Christian life is a rhythm of prayer, corporately and individually, through the day, through the week, through the year - through our lives.
As well as our main Sunday services there are opportunities to pray together within both liturgy and open prayer.
Morning Prayer
In the church, all welcome.
Monday at 9:00am- 9:20am
Tuesday at 9:00am via Zoom
Wednesday at 9:00am-9:20am
Thursday at 9:00am via Zoom


Please contact us for the link if you would like to join us via Zoom
Follows Common Worship order for Morning Prayer. We read the bible together and pray through the scriptures.
In our open time of prayer we focus on the day ahead, world events, the church, our parish, parishioners and congregation.

Healing Prayer Group


A healing prayer group meets at 1:30pm on the 2nd Thursday each month in a home in the parish, but does not meet in either July or August.


For more information, or requests of prayer, phone June on 01223 501712



Prayer Ministry


Clergy and members of the ministry team are always available to pray with you, or to share ideas and resources for prayer. Please do contact them directly for more details.

Parish Prayer Diary


The Parish Prayer Diary is for you to use in your prayer times. It is also used in the daily cycle of prayer at St John’s. For every day there is a person or group of people from our local ministry, a group or institution in our wider community and a street or streets from within the parish. You might like to use this list alongside our weekly bulletin and also the Ely Diocese Prayer Diary and the Anglican Communion Cycle of Prayer.


Parish Prayer Diary 2021
Adobe Acrobat Document 134.5 KB

Daily Prayer Resources


Church of England, Daily Prayer

Service of Morning and Evening Prayer (available in both Contemporary and Traditional forms. Also available as an app on your ipad/ phone/ etc!


Church of England, Worship at Home

Pdf document of a simple service for daily worship at home.


#LiveLent Resources

Daily lent resources from the Church of England.


Radio 4’s Daily Worship

Daily radio broadcast from the Church of England


Pray as You Go podcast  

A daily podcast from Jesuit Ministries. It lasts about 10 minutes and includes music, bible reading, reflection and prayer. Also available as an app.


Taize Evening Prayer

Sung evening prayer from the Taize Community, live-streamed and recorded.