World War II in our parish

Site in progress - contributions welcome

There is now an increasing number of references to this parish and World War II on the website. In particular information about those who were air raid wardens or members of the Women's Voluntary Service can be found for certain roads in the parish, drawn from the 1939 census.


Arthur Thomas Almond of 25 Queen Edith's Way. Lieutenant 165131 in 46 Liverpool Welsh, Royal Tank Regiment. Son of Arthur Rutherford Almond company managing director and Olive Elizabeth. Died aged 28 on 28/10/42. Buried El Alamein war cemetery Grave XVII D 21.




George Andrews

John Charles Andrews. Lance Serjeant 2094163 in the 287 Field Com. Royal Engineers. Son of Sidney Herbert Charles and Annie Phoebe Andrews. Died 13/2/1942 aged 25. Memorial Singapore.

George William Barber. A gunner 14370690 76 Field Regiment Royal Artillery. Died 13/2/1942 aged 34. Parents Christopher William Barber and Lily. Wife Kathleen from Cambridge. Buried Ranville War Cemetery Calvados VIII D 19.

John Baxter

Derek Hugh Clay of 32 Causewayside Cambridge, captain 117991 in the 8th Battalion Durham Light Infantry. He died on 23/9/1944 after a medical operation while a prisoner of war. Parents were Hugh and Barbara Clay; his wife Alicia Claye of Cambridge. Buried Hanover War Ceme. Grave 15 D 8.

Dennis Louis Cole, serjeant 5776000 1st Batt. Royal Norfolk Regiment. Born 1918. Son of George and Minnie Cole; wife Dulcie Mary Cole of Histon. Died 1/3/1945 buried in Reichswald Forest War Ceme. Grave 48 A 13.

John E Freeman

Leonard Albert French, 11 Blinco Grove, private 5834625 in 5th Batt. Suffolk Regiment. Born 1914 Thetford, married Elsie Pamment of Cambridge in 1940. Son of William Frederick French and Ann of Thetford. Died aged 28 on 22/11/1943. Buried Chungkai War Ceme. Thailand Grave 6 D 14.



Frederick Cecil Harro[u]ld, pilot officer 42707 of 501 Sqdn RAF. Son of Frederick Charles Harrould and Florence Nightingale. Died aged 23 on 28/9/1940. Buried St Andrew's Cherry Hinton. He was shot down in his Hurricane by a Messerschmidt Bf 109 over Deal in Kent.


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Leonard Herbert Haynes, private 5933204 1st Batt. Cambridgeshire Regiment. Son of Alfred Cecil and Daisy Haynes of Cambridge. Died aged 23 26/12/1943. Buried Chungkai War Ceme. Thailand Grave 3 K 15.

James Hoare, able seaman C/JX 1450 HMS Nigeria, born 1920, son of John and Mary Elizabeth Hoare. Died aged 22 on 12/8/1942. Commemorated on Chatham Naval Memorial. the Nigeria was escorting a convoy to Malta as part of Operation Pedestal and was flagship of the close escort group. She was torpedoed and damaged by an Italian submarine but managed to make it back to Gibraltar.


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Leonard Maurice Johns lived at 29 Pepys Way Girton; his parents lived at 47 Blinco Grove. He was a corporal 7632613 in the Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers (R.E.M.E.). He was the son of Arthur Edward and Alice Florence Johns, and husband of Elsie Ada. He died aged 34 on 23/8/1944 and is buried in the Guhati War Ceme. India Grave 3 K 2.



Eric Stanley Jones of 32 Cherry Hinton Road. He was flight sergeant 1321095 (nav.) 50 Sqdn RAF Volunteer Reserve. Son of Charles Stanley Jones and Olive Victoria (later Free) of Cambridge, he died aged 21 on 25/4/1944 and is buried at Durnbach Ware ceme., Bayern, Grave 9 K 7-9.



Douglas Ronald Charles Mace, 29 Perne Road, warrant pilot officer 741475 of 66 Sqdn RAF Volunteer Reserve. Born 1919 in Chesterton and married in Rhodesia. He was the son of William Edward and Minnie, and husband of Joan Dorothy. He died aged 24 on 23/10/1943 and is buried at St Andrew's Cherry Hinton.



Roy Marples, DFC & Bar, was a wing commander 70868 in the 329 (French) Sqdn RAF Volunteer Reserve. he was the son of Percy Salisbury Marples and Elizabeth Maries Louise, and wife of Kathleen Gladys Victoria Marples of Cambridge. he died aged 24 on 26/4/1944 and is buried in Chichester Ceme, Sussex, Sq 150 Grave 10. Marples had a distinguished career; he died when his Spitfire Mk IX MK60 collided with another plane of 329 Squadron in cloud on their return from Mons to Merston.


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Cecil William Rhodes Martin-Leake MC was a lieutenant, 262358, in the 22 Dragoons RAC. He was son of Hugh Matin-Leake Sc.D and of Lois Millicent Frieda (nee Bloxam) of Cambridge. He died aged 22 on 15/4/1945 and is buried in Becklingen War Ceme. Grave 3 C 15.

William Henry Mason was a lance corporal 4806743 in the 2nd Batt. Lincolnshire Regiment. He was the son of Bert and Maud Elizabeth, and husband of Catherine Margaret Mason of Cambridge. (His mother was born Oakman and had married in 1913 in Chesterton). William died aged 30 on 9th June 1944 and is buried at La Delivrande, Douvres, Calvados Grave IX G 1.

William Armando McCrodden was a warrant officer 1388663 in 295 Sqdn RAF Volunteer Reserve. He was the son of Thomas Lambert McCrodden and Amelia of Cambridge. He died aged 21 on 14/6/1943 and commemorated at Runnymede. He was pilot of a Halifax that was towing a glider a glider during Operation Beggar. Both plane and glider were shot down by FW-109s but the crew of the glider survived.


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Ralph G William Nicholes, sapper 2079361, had joined the 15 Field Sqdn Royal Engineers. He was son of Leonard G Nicholes and Marjorie I of Cambridge. He died aged 21 on 28/5/1942 and is buried in Cambridge Ceme.

Thomas James Parr, gunner 1642148, 519 Bty. 84 Searchlight Regt. RA, son of Percy James Parr and Jessie Esther of Cambridge, husband of Trixie of St Benet's Parish. He died aged 31 on 28/3/1941 and is buried in Mill Road Cemetery. A motor cycle dispatch rider for the Royal Artillery, he was killed in an accident at Felthorpe near Norwich.


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John Sydney Pay, pilot officer 42877 149 Sqdn RAF, was the son of Rev. Sydney S Pay and Edith R of Cambridge. he died aged 19 on 18/9/1940 and is commemorated at Runnymede.

Lionel Argent Sears of 55 Hartington Grove, pilot officer 42805 145 Squadron RAF, son of Charles Henry Argent Sears and Maud Emily. Died aged 19 on 8/8/1940. Commemorated at Runnymede.


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Douglas Arthur Thomas Sheldrick was a sergeant 741743 pilot in the RAF Volunteer Reserve. Son of Mr and Mrs A W Sheldrick of Cambridge, he died when he was 20 on 20 May 1940 and is buried at Cambridge City Ceme. grave 9523.


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George Andrew Victor Smith of 50 Cherry Hinton Road was a corporal 2068697 in the West African Engineers R.W.A.F.F. Royal Engineers. He was son of George A and Kathleen Mary Smith of Cambridge. He died aged 25 on 24/3/1944 and is commemorated in Rangoon.


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Roy Angus Swann of 107 Cherry Hinton Road, was a pilot officer (Obs) 115345 223 Squadron RAF Volunteer Reserve. He was the son of Robert Harvey Swann and Mary Augusta of Cambridge. He died aged 25 on 27/6/1942 and is buried in the El Alamein War cemetery.



Percival Albert Taylor was a lance bombardier 1556084 in the 11 Bty. 30 Lt. A A Regt. R A. He was born 1914 and was the husband of Evelyn L Taylor of Cambridge. he died aged 27 on 9/11/1941 and is buried in Cambridge City ceme.

Stanley Thomas Banks Wallis of Ranmore, Cavendish Avenue was a sergeant 741434 and pilot in the RAF volunteer reserve. His father was Percy Valentine Wallis, a company director. He died aged 23 on 21/5/1940 and is buried in St Andrew's churchyard.



Samuel Wilfred Whitley of 40 Mowbray Road, was private in the 1st Battalion Cambridgeshire regiment./ He was son of Thomas Leonard and Elizabeth Isabella Paterson Whitley. He died aged 24 on 11/8/1945 and is buried in the War Cemetery in Yokohama, Japan.




26.9.1939 Marriage at St John's: Sergt. Pilot Philip Allen RAF eldest son of Mr and Mrs CPS Allen, Woodside Blinco Grove to Norah Frances, younger daughter of Mr and Mrs C F Vernon, 6 Rathmore Road.