Bible Accessibility

One of Bible Society’s main aims has always been to make the Bible accessible and the it does very good work in making the Bible available to people all around the world. The following are some interesting developments in making the Bible accessible to some of those for whom reading the Bible in English presents particular challenges. They available by visiting the Bible Society Online Shop.

The Gospel according to Mark – a dyslexia-friendly edition uses the Good News translation to present the story of Jesus with emphasis on his actions. It follows the principles for dyslexia-friendly formatting and is printed on cream-coloured matt paper to minimise reflection. To get your copy for £4.99 visit the Bible Society Online Shop.


Mark Tells us the Good News about Jesus is an ideal translation for those learning English as a second language or as a resource for schools with pupils of mixed reading ability. It’s available from the Bible Society shop and uses simple English, written in short sentences using a limited vocabulary of 1200 words.

There are also new EasyEnglish Gospels of Matthew, Luke & John which are available to order though a print-on-demand supplier. Like Mark’s Gospel they use plain English in short sentences with a vocabulary of 1200 words. To order simply visit the EasyEnglish Gospel of Mark webpage and click on the link.*


Large Print


the large print Good news Bible is especially helpful for those with difficulty seeing samller text. At £30 it makes the perfect gift for older friends or relatives who need an easier read.


Find Out More


To get hold of these and more, visit Bible Society Online Shop