If you are a resident in St John's Parish, or have a local connection, you are entitled to a funeral at St John's, even if you never come to church. Funeral services at St John's would usually be followed by a shorter committal service at the graveside or crematorium. Clergy from St John's are also very happy to lead full funeral services at the Crematorium, for those who would prefer one service.


A church funeral allows you plenty of time and space to say everything friends and family want to say. There is an opportunity to pray, to hear words of comfort, to light candles and to sing traditional hymns. 


Your funeral director will help you make contact with the church, but if you have any questions please feel free to make initial contact with our Parish Office (telephone: 01223 241316; email: stjecambridge@gmail.com).


If you have recently lost a friend or relative, but are unable to attend their funeral due to COVID-19 restrictions, you might find this simple reflection for at home useful.


Bereavement Support
We understand that the loss of a family member of friend can be very difficult. Our clergy are always available for confidential prayer and bereavement support at this time. Please do contact them directly if you would like to arrange a phone call or face-to-face meeting. 


For more information about Bereavement, include information about the support available at St John's, please follow this link.