Bereavement Support @ St John's

Grief is sometimes described as a journey. Like a journey, you may travel through many twists and turns, and your feelings are likely to be varied and changing over time; through denial, anger, depression and acceptance. But, unlike most journeys, it doesn’t really have a clear end point. Although we each hope to reach a point where we have grown to live around the grief we feel, it can be difficult when those around us thing we should have ‘gotten over it by now’.



Whilst everybody’s grief journey is different, we want to assure  you that you are not alone. Here at St John’s, we want you to know that we are with you every step of the way. Whether your bereavement was very recently, or many years ago, we are here for you; to pray for you and to support you. Our clergy are always available for confidential prayer and bereavement support at this time. Please do contact them directly if you would like to arrange a phone call, zoom chat or face-to-face meeting. 


If you have recently lost a friend or loved one, and have been unable to attend the funeral, you might find this simple set of prayers helpful to say goodbye at home. 

As Christians, we believe that God is with us; supporting us and upholding us in all the highs and lows of life, including during our grieving. But we also know that when we are each grieving, it can be hard to sense God’s presence with us and prayer can become difficult.


For that reason, we have put together a small booklet (downloadable below) of prayers and poems which we hope will offer some comfort and support during this most difficult time for you, and which you might like to use when you cannot find the words to pray.  


“No rule book. No time frame. No judgement.

Grief is as individual as a fingerprint.

Do what is right for your soul.”



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Bereavement Booklet Revised 22:11:21.pdf
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